Movie log for 09/04/05:
40--year-Old Virgin, The (2005): B Much more R-Rated than you expected. Example line: "Are you gay? Because it's cool if you're gay. Do you like to fuck guys? Because I know guys that fuck guys. [3 second pause]. In prison." It sends you out, however, on an incredible high due to a musical number at the end, which if I'm ever a director I shall promise to end every comedy with a musical number.
Aristocrats, the (2005) B Who would have thought the dirtiest version of the joke would come from Bob Sagat (Though the South Park boys are a close third) In the middle is Sarah Silverman, whom I fucking adore on so many levels it isn't even funny, telling a truly offensive joke, pissing off one celebrity to the extent of suing, and also managing to turn a joke that's best as a meta-joke into a meta-meta-joke. Oh My God do I wish I were Jimmy Kimmel right at this second. But then, you know, you wake up, and say, Jimmy Kimmel?
Eurotrip (2004) B- But with my favorite cameo ever by Matt Damon. He proves that he is every bit as cool as he seems to be. The Affleck might be the suck but the Matt appears to be the man.
Spartan (2004) A(borderline A+): This rating is colored by how much I like writers. It is possibly the writers' best screenplay ever, right down to it's title which has a double entendre, assuming you get turned on by writing. And also, it has Kristen Bell) 2nd viewing.
Tesseract, The (2004): C-ish, undecided but leaning hard toward C- at best:. Will let you know later. Weakish source material (though I like, in general Alex Garlands writing dopesn't help. The first 10 minutes are silly stylish. Then, um, not so much in terms of distracting from a a plot that apparently defines itself on the basis of a hyper-cube, and, um, I havge passing knowing of quantum theory and astro-physics and I can't describe a hypercube to anybody that doesn't - fuck - I can barely describe it to myself. so but Alex Garland couldn't describe it to either Einstein or my new pet chipmunk: "chihuahua". And neither can Oxide Pang.
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